Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Do you believe in angels? Or have you ever met people in your life, who for some reason, bring you good luck, good vibes and every time you see them, you just feel good, something good happens? Out of nowhere, they appear, they call, however! They're there! Or even when you know you'll see them, you just know something good will happen?

I've had experiences like that. There are people who I connect with this way and for lack of a better explanation, I call them ANGELS! My Angels! They're special to me, soooooo special! Sometimes, they're like God's messengers to me. God talks to us always and all ways. He tells me something and sometimes, He does it through these people.

One of them is Anna. We met in church one day many years ago and since then, every now and then, she'd appear in front of me, out of the blue, sometimes, we'd literally bump into each other. One time, as I approached communion in church after a long line, guess who was the minister right in front of me giving communion? When we see each other, we just say, "Hi, how are you?", yet that moment is like forever. We never really became close, meaning, we never exchanged phone numbers, email addresses, and the like. There is no need. We're already very close, like we've known each other forever. We'd see each other anywhere, everywhere, and each time, it feels good, not casual good, but special good!

Past lives, perhaps? Was she my mother in another life or older sister? I don't know but in this lifetime, I call her my angel! I've told her that several times. She just smiles, then when we separate, I feel she's quietly happily watching me even when she's not, physically, as sometimes we go opposite ways, or we're both in a hurry, yet I feel surrounded with such motherly love and protection. What a beautiful loving experience!

Another one is Maria. We're both clinical lab scientists, and somehow, she's like my adviser, supporter, protector, mentor. She's always there for me. She's a true friend, such a beautiful friend, someone I can really trust! Sometimes I find that we're there for each other when we both need help at work, off work, about work, or for some laughs or tears, or to share our "baon" (lunch box), and so on. Sometimes, we're like little children, innocent, or should I say, being adults, naive?! As much as I feel a childlike friendship with Maria, (again, perhaps, in another lifetime we were friends since we were little!), when it comes to serious matters in the lab, she's heaven-sent! Especially as I had been away from healthcare field far and wide and long in between, she's my angel!

I thank God each day for beautiful people like Anna and Maria.

And I thank you both, Anna, Maria, for being there for me. I'm so lucky. I love you both.

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