Monday, July 12, 2010

Word of the Day

  • love (noun) is a feeling you feel...
  • love (noun) is a feeling you feel when you feel...
  • love (noun) is a feeling you feel when you feel that you'...
  • love (noun) is a feeling you feel when you feel that you're feeling the feeling you've never felt before.
Whew! How's that for a tongue-twister, huh, or brain-teaser, or is it a no-brainer?! Hey, you want any word defined? Looking for a new meaning of a word? Come to the new SOCORROPEDIA. You'll find definitions you've never seen before.

Dictionaries are no more! Are there still books on dictionaries or do we just find them on computers now, on pdf, wikipedia, wiktIonary? Is the book form outdated?

I remember an old old story of a man in a bookstore who picked up WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, didn't know what it was, opened it and seeing it, looked for the meaning of dictionary -
dictionary (noun) - it's the very book you're holding, you, idiot!
He didn't know what 'idiot' meant so he went to the word, idiot -
idiot (noun) - you, again?!

All right, lemme try that tongue-twister again -
  • love (noun) is a feeling you feel when you...
  • love (noun) is a feeling you fee...
  • love (noun) is a f...
  • love (noun) is a noun.

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