Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hey, Welcome Back!

How was your weekend? Where'd you go?

I went to a barbecue party at a friend's house, or rather, mansion, nearby. She's got an elevator in the house, would you believe, a mini entertainment/movie theatre, a popcorn room, a beautiful, intimate chapel, (my favorite part of the house!), a master's bedroom to die for, 2 grand pianos, (and that's why we click, she loves to sing and I love to play the piano. Music is a natural high, who needs drugs??), a garage with marble tiles, what else! And she's one of the most humble people I've ever met in my life, how can you beat that!!

Well, welcome back to my home... Someday, we'll be talking in my mansion. I believe in dreams...

Remember that "serendipitous coincidence" I had at the gym last week? Well, today, Tuesday, after Tai chi, I was going to my yoga class when I remembered the incident. So I wondered if I should take pilates again. After vacillating between the two, I finally went to the pilates class, and you know what, clearly, it's what I needed.

You'd think it's no big deal but, always, we should listen to our bodies.

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