Sunday, April 8, 2012

Feeling What I Feel, Part 2

The following day, I saw OPRAH's Magazine again and reread the cover title, LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE... RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. I realized I missed a word.... START RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW -

Now that made a difference! The first one read too drastic for me, like I had no choice but that's it! When you're feeling low, it's not easy to just snap out of it. It's not even easy feeling low to begin with. But with the word, START, somehow, it helps to even just start thinking about starting... starting right here right now! That was calming, comforting - that wherever I was in the moment, it was okay to start. To start to live again, just to live again! Not the best life even, but to even just begin to realize that I was alive, I could live again, and be grateful for it! Now I was feeling better and it got better and better...

I read the title again, LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE... START RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.  Now that, I can do! I can start right here right now!

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