Sunday, August 21, 2011


Last week was our usual get-together with my high school classmates, and it was a blast, always a blast! Especially with Jeanette visiting from Manila, she's hilarious! Most spouses were there but they left us girls alone, and we left them alone, too.

Nothing beats girl-bonding! It's simply precious. So special... there's nothing like it! Our host Dodit, the food, the company - superb! Laughter and picture taking - non-stop! And gosh, there must be at least 3 topics of conversations going on simultaneously, either one-on-one, or with a few, or with everyone! God, were we loud and noisy, as if we had not seen one another for ages, and we get together almost every other month! Anyway, every once in a while, "an angel would pass," meaning, total silence - a split second, whenever we were looking at the photos... Then all of a sudden, "WOW!", "BEAUTIFUL!", "NO, not that!", "Yea, this one... that one, put that on facebook!"... and more boisterous laughing!

Didn't I just say, "Laughter is the best medicine," a few posts down?

Oh, love you, guys... oops, girls!

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