Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Icons, Legends, Phenomena...

The other night, I was watching the Biography channel and saw the BEATLES and STEVIE WONDER back to back. What a treat! I enjoyed tremendously.

I remember months back when Norman was watching "A Hard Day's Night" movie on TV in the other room while we were here, and of course, being a musician, I wanted to say something about the Beatles when the breaking news about Michael Jackson' funeral was announced and at that moment I just had to talk about Michael.

But what can one say about an icon, a phenomenon, a legend? The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson - they're all that!! What can you say, what do you say, how do you say it? Those words say it all. I remember we were speechless when we heard the news about Michael. All we could do was share a moment of silence.

Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Barbra Streisand. At the level they're at, they're everything they ever wanted to be and more... There's nothing more to say.

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