Sunday, May 27, 2012

Feeling Deep

Lately, I've been very quiet, feeling inward, deep in silence and listening to it. Yes, listening to silence! It's funny, being a musician, it's so routine for me to have music in the house as soon as I wake up - turn on the radio, play a cd, listen to my iPod and so on. At the moment, though, I'm just experiencing stillness and silence, reflecting, feeling blissful! It's wonderful! I've had moments like this and every time it happens, it's precious, so I'm not letting it go! I'm not clinging to it, either, just letting it be... and it's blissful, it's beautiful!

Isn't it strange, that the words, silent and listen, contain the same letters? That's funny. No, it's not funny, it's not strange - it's marvelous! For how can we listen except when we're silent!

It'a a wonderful experience, this feeling deep... in silence, in quietude - even as I work. It's so deep, it's so still, it's...


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