Sunday, May 15, 2011

Golf is Calling Me...

You know when you have all the signs to your dreams, desires, or what have you?? My desire to learn and play the sport has never been so profound that all hints are literally falling onto my lap these days! I see all signs on billboards, ads, golf jokes on email, people on buses, in their cars, or wherever with their golf clubs, you name it, everyday, every hour, every minute, between blinks! Just this morning, I heard a a group of people on the street cheering, celebrating loudly whatever they're celebrating and I suddenly remembered The "Bay to Breakers" happening right now so I turned on the tv to check it out and the first channel that came out was a live coverage of a golf event somewhere. I changed channels and it was a golf commercial and changed again and it was sports channel featuring golf - 3 in a row!!!

I'm really ready to learn the sport now. Yes, to learn! I need a buddy to do it with me to motivate me. Even a mini golf course as starters! Anyone interested?

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