Sunday, January 23, 2011

More on Happiness

I saw this video on Deepak Chopra's website yesterday, again, just when I needed it most. Perfect timing! Nature is leading me to the right people at the right place at the right time! First time yesterday in several months that I felt my old happy self. It's been tough for me lately. Hopefully, I'm on the right track. Gotta be! I've got no choice.

In Ayurveda, this is the VATA season, (November - February), changeable, excitable, moving, fast, and the like. VATA is one of the 3 fundamental operating principles in physiology. It governs the nervous system and also all movement in the body. When VATA is in balance, one feels happy, energetic, enthusiastic, mentally calm, clear and alert. Out of balance, one feels anxious, confused, nervous. That's why it's important to have a regular routine, go to bed on time, avoid stimulants, keep warm, to balance VATA. Unfortunately, I got all the opposite happening to me right now, worst season for that too! I'm hanging in there...

Talk about Ayurveda, you can check out my post, OBAMAMANIA, ONE YEAR AGO..., January 2010. It talks more about the different seasons and how they affect us, like how the "Obamamania" came about from an Ayurvedic perspective. It's quite interesting! Incidentally, I worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra at Maharishi Ayurveda some years ago. Here's sharing his wisdom. He's a very aware, enlightened human being!

To Happiness, indeed!

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