Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What's Going On, Obama?

On news radio - Obama's popularity is going down.

Last January 31, I wrote a post on Obama's Speech and here's an excerpt -
...I wanted to listen to his voice again and see his impact, his effect, this season, (my post on OBAMAMANIA, ONE YEAR AGO...will explain all that!). After you read it, you'll understand better when I say that if his popularity goes down, (even more?!), it can happen between March and June, this year, unless people are content with his performance. Between July-October, he'll be watched more closely.

Yes, between March-June, Spring, KAPHA season, in Ayurveda, is slow, stable, grounding, and the like. These are all qualities of EXPERIENCE which Obama doesn't have yet. Hence, his popularity went down last Spring.

Between now, July-October, as it says above, he'll be watched more closely. Summer, PITTA season, is "visual". Whether his popularity goes up or down or stays the same, it is this season when he's most watched. This is the nature of the season.

Fall to winter, November-February, is vata season, the "audio" season. It's the time when his voice, what he has to say, his speeches, et al, more than his actions, are what people will pay attention to again. It's when the season "hears" naturally. That's how the whole world was hypnotized, mesmerized by his voice between those months last year, remember.

Again, my post on OBAMAMANIA, ONE YEAR AGO...(01/20/09) will explain all that. Ayurveda is fascinating!

Let's see what happens...

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