Wow! And to think that I almost missed the show!
There was a show at the store I wanted to see - the Jazz Camp Open Mic, a wrap-up to the just concluded week-long camp! I've never been to one and all musician/friends have been telling me to attend a jazz camp, even once, so I wanted to go see what's happening in tonight's event, have an idea of what they do in a music camp, thinking I might get inspired, (which, of course, I always do), and go to next year's jazz camp. Norman and I were splitting the 2 shows tonight, he was going to the New Orleans Jazz show. But because of the anticipated riot, protests, after the Meserhle conviction this afternoon, the event was cancelled. So I ended up at the New Orleans'. Boy, now I'd like to go to New Orleans!
Lately, we have been totally immersed in a lot of live music - gigs, his, mine, ours, shows, concerts, all kinds! That goes without saying, being musicians, but these past few weeks have been unusually plenty. I ain't complaining.
I'm exhausted now from all the dancing, no, not exhausted, exhilirated!
It's late. Nite-nite...
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