Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Sin... &... Sinful"

And the words, sin and sinful, I heard a lot these days! I had a Christmas luncheon gig in a posh hotel in town the other day. The program director had to interrupt my piano playing several times because of speeches, toast, raffle tickets, etc. At the end of the party, he apologized for doing so and he said, "Your music was fantastic, I hated to interrupt. Doing it was like a sin."
I didn't really play well, believe me, I was tired from a sleepless night after work but I just liked his line, "... like a sin."
Then last night, at a classy Japanese restaurant, my brother-in-law who is in town visiting with his fiance said about dinner, "This is so good, it's a sin. This is sinful!"
Consequently, I asked Norman, "Is it sinful to eat a piece of the Swiss chocolate they brought us or shall we wait till Xmas?"
So far, we haven't committed the sin yet. Perhaps on Xmas Day when it's no longer a sin!

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